Imac Double 120

Double 120
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Dimensions:120 x 60 x 124cm Convert
Manufacturer: Imac

This 'rabbit' cage is packaged with a selection of shelves designed for small rodents. These aren't suitable for rabbits but the height of the cage means you could discard the shelves that come with it and build your own shelf (and ramp) half way up in the same style as two storey outdoor hutches. Keep in mind this doesn't really give you any more usable floor area than a larger cage on one level.

It has two doors in the front and a door in the top.

Note: This cage does not meet the minimum living space guidelines for rabbits and should only be used in conjunction with a pen or free access in and out of the cage 24/7.

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Please note: Product information changes so check the features & sizes of a cage with the retailer before you buy.

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