Liberta Rabbit Retreat 120 Cage

Rabbit Retreat 120 Cage
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Dimensions:122 x 62 x 65cm Convert
Manufacturer: Liberta
RRP:£ 90

This rabbit cage is available in both 120 and 150 lengths. They are very similar in design. Both offer top and side doors, a deep (20cm) tray and various accessories. The platform in this version (the 120) is made of plastic rather than a metal grill like the 150. The solid floor is better for rabbits feet but that's an easily altered issue.

A cage on a stand has benefits when cleaning and chatting to your rabbit as you pass by but it also makes it more difficult for your rabbit to exit the cage without help. It's not as practical to add a pen to extend the space either.

If you have the space for the extra £30 it will set you back, the extra 1' of room makes it worth going for the larger (150) size.

Note: This cage does not meet the minimum living space guidelines for rabbits and should only be used in conjunction with a pen or free access in and out of the cage 24/7.

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Please note: Product information changes so check the features & sizes of a cage with the retailer before you buy.

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