Essegi 2 Storey Corner Cage

2 Storey Corner Cage
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Dimensions:100 x 100 x 86cm Convert
Manufacturer: Essegi
RRP:£ 189

I like the shape of the corner cages, a squarer floor area gives rabbits more space to easily turn around. However they do seem to couple this with lower heights. This along with the small ramp makes it only suitable for small agile rabbits. However, if you are tight on space and just want an occasional retreat for your rabbit you could do a bit of adjusting and get rid of the second level to give you a good height and a cage that will fit into a tight gap.

Note: This cage does not meet the minimum living space guidelines for rabbits and should only be used in conjunction with a pen or free access in and out of the cage 24/7.

User Reviews



I have one of these as an "away from home cage" for when my family bunnysit. It is a reasonable size for this purpose but an absolute atrocity to assemble. The bunnies don't think that much of it either (especially Pixie, who I would go as far as to say hates it) and frequently knock the ramp off. It is also a pig to clean, especially the far corner- I have to get my head and shoulders in to sweep it out! It isn't the worst cage out there, but it's not the best either.

Reviewed on: 22/02/2015

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