Book Review: Foraging for Rabbits
I’ve mentioned foraging, picking plants from the ‘wild’, before. It’s a great way to suppliment your rabbit’s diet. So, I was really excited to hear about a new book ‘Foraging for Rabbits‘ by Dr Twigs Way. I immediately ordered two copies (one for Scamp and one for you guys – more on that at the end).
It’s the perfect little guide for anyone who is thinking about foraging but is a bit unsure where to start.
Whilst there are a lot of books on identifying plants, this book is written specifically for rabbit owners, in fact Dr Way’s rabbits have helpfully rated all the plants suggested on taste – afterall just because something is safe to eat doesn’t mean it’s tasty. In fact my favourite line from the book is in answer to the question: what if my rabbit doesn’t eat what I have collected?
If a rabbit or group of rabbits does not want a particular plant but is/are otherwise eating then just take the plant away again (and apologise).
Because we know who really is in charge!
The book starts of with an introduction to foraging – why forage, where to forage safely, the law on taking plants, drying and storing forage, toxicity, and understanding plant names. All illustrated by cute photos of bunnies tucking in to tasty plants.
The rest of the book contains just over 60 (if I counted right) common plants that you can forage. Each plant has a colour photo, the common and latin names, a description and some tips – for example when it’s at it’s most tasty, where to find it, if it dries well or if it’s good for something in particular and the taste rating (in stars).
Most plants only have the one photo, but the latin plant names mean it’s easy to search online or in plant books for extra photos to help with an ID and the back cover includes a helpful list of plant reference books. The book itself if a nice size (A5/35 pages) to pop in your bag when foraging, unlike a giant tome that some general guides are.
I’ve already tried out two new plants thanks to the book, both of which Scamp approved.

Scamp placing his order.
You can also hear Dr Way discuss foraging in Episode 4 the All Ears Podcast here. And me discuss rabbit behaviour and enrichment in Episode 8 here.
Foraging for Rabbits is available via the Rabbit Welfare Association here and costs £4.
Win a Copy of Foraging for Rabbits
As I mentioned, I bought two copies, so I’m giving one away to my lovely readers. For a chance to win, please leave a comment below – why not tell me what you think about foraging – is it something you’ve tried or are thinking about tryin? I’ll draw a winner on 22nd June 2015.
Happy Foraging!

Hi. I just found your blog today and I find it to be very cute, packed with facts I did not know and great suggestions in any area. I have a 4 year old male Holland Lop named Baillee. He is a very picky bunny. I try and try to get him to eat his vegetables but he keeps refusing. The only thing he jumps for joy about are bananas!! So, no I’ve not done any foraging. However… I will be taking him to MI for vacation this summer. A summer home where I have been going for most my life and yet I know nothing about whether there are edible plants. So, this would be and will be a great learning experience for both of us and your book would be a great addition.
Sincerely your two new blog readers!
Lisa and Baillee
This looks fantastic. I’ve never foraged before but I’m very interested in it with our two little house rabbits.
Hi Tasmin,
We recently received your book, “Understanding Your Rabbit’s Habits” and would love to add this one to our library! Our little bun, Mac, wasn’st held as a youngster, so we’re in the process of training him to let us pick him up.
Thanks for everything!
I am thinking about doing some foraging with my rabbit, Brownie Bronco, but just not sure where to start at. Also not sure what some safe plants actually look like. So, i would love to win a copy of this book.
That sounds like such a wonderful book! I think foraging is such a great idea for humans and bunnies alike 🙂
Thanks for the post and review. My daughters and I pick dandelion leaves and flowers down the lane next to our garden as they are easy to spot and our rabbits love them but there are so many wild plants out there that I always think there must be more that would be okay to eat but don’t want to risk upsetting their tums. This should be a great tool to bring variety to their diet.
Hi Samir,
Congratulations, I pulled your name out of the hat! Please get in touch with your address so I can pop the book in the post to you 🙂
Hi Tamsin
I sent an email to info@… a couple of days ago – i just wanted to check that you had received it. If not, what is the best way to send you my address.
I sent you email too but haven’t heard back. You can also contact me via twitter @therabbithouse or facebook The Rabbit House if thats easier 🙂
just found your blog, and am so glad to have come across it! As a long-time bunny mom, I’m always looking for natural and readily-available nourishment to give my bun(s) greater variety. So far, that hasn’t progressed beyond dandelions, nasturtiums, and grape vines, but I am anxious to find more. I know many weeds are edible for both my bun and me, but I’m apprehensive about identifying them.
Oh my gosh! My rabbit Basil and I love foraging! I put on her vest, and we go find yummy plants. I also love to read aloud to her, so we want to win!
this looks like an interesting read, be interesting to see if can get this! thanks
A real pity that the shipping costs to Austria amounts to 21 Euros…
That sounds a bit expensive! Have your contacted the Rabbit Welfare Association directly – they might be able to lower that. I know it costs around £5 (7 Euro) to send my book to Austria and that’s heavier.
What a brilliant little book, this would be really good for young children as well.